Google has done it again! They pushed-out yet another search engine update on 9-28-2012. Now, they’re just utterly destroying Exact-Match Domains (EMD’s). So what exactly is meant by “exact match?”
We’ll, let say that “How to Lose Weight Now” is a heavily searched keyword phrase online. If you had the domain, that would constitute an exact match.
Another example in a mass market might be Here is a quote from a tweet from Google’s Matt Cutts talking about the update:
“Minor weather report: small upcoming Google algo change will reduce low-quality “exact-match” domains in search results.”
According to Google, the slap just targets low-quality exact-match domains.
What makes-up a low-quality exact match domain?
– The website has very few pages
– The website has a lot of duplicate content and/or very little original content
– The content posts don’t have a strong history of getting socially shared (Tweets, Likes, Pins, etc)
– The website doesn’t have consistent, fresh content being added regularly
– The site author is unknown or hasn’t established a strong “Author Rank”
– The website doesn’t have a TOS or Privacy Policy
– The site has too many low quality links, especially exact matching anchor text links
What makes-up a high-quality exact match domain?
– The website is resourceful and has a lot of unique pages (hundreds to thousands)
– No duplicate content is found and the website is abundant with original content.
– The website and content are updated regularly, keeping the site fresh
– The content posts DO have a strong history of getting socially shared (Tweets, Likes, Pins, etc)
– The website has a TOS, privacy policy, and other on page links that help legitimize it.
– The site has a plethora of other high quality website properties linking to it in a natural fashion
– The site author is established in his / her market and has a strong Author Rank
Here’s the deal… and we’ve been saying this for years.
If you solely rely on Google for your traffic, you’re screwed! They are not your friend. In fact, they do not like marketers even though we made them who they are today, spending millions with them.
If you’re going to play the Google game, you must establish authority as a credible author and website owner in Google’s eyes. This takes A LOT of time, energy, and effort.
You must start learn how to get an AVALANCHE of targeted traffic without being dependent on Google! That’s why Pinterest is totally where you should be. It’s the wild west there and traffic is insane!
It’s why we created NinjaPinner so that you could get the traffic and break your Google addiction.
Protect Yourself and Your Online Business
You have to know how to build a trustworthy brand / business online that is seen as a resource with high-value content. That’s what Google is all about. Not only that, you MUST understand how to get your site and content shared by authority figures in your local or national market.
Conversely, if you’re looking for fast and easy traffic without slaps, tons of rules, and regulations… Pinterest is where you should focus your energy.
The reason why we’ve already been able to reach tens of thousands in such a short time is because awhile back we discovered the specific Pinterest traffic formula and used NinjaPinner to ramp-it-up by a factor of 10!
The game is rigged folks…
Now, more than ever, Google is showing favoritism. They don’t like marketers and continue to slap away.
Many average, unaware internet marketers are getting punished, though. They haven’t built enough credibility or authority in Google’s eyes. Our strong advice is to STOP being dependent on Google for traffic!
Those that resist and do not heed this warning can expect a continued slip in rankings which will subsequently lead to less exposure and a dramatic drop in new clients and/or sales from the internet.
Grab your free trial of NinjaPinner today to see what so many marketers are raving about. Or, if you’re tried it already and know you MUST stop relying on Google, click here to get the full version.