Pinterest Marketing Tip: How to Rank #1 on Google with Your Pins!

Pay close attention because this is HUGE! Did you know that you can rank your Pinterest pinboards AND images #1 on Google search? Here’s how you do it. Let’s say you live in Napa Valley California. You know that they call it “wine country” because the area is so fertile and has a lot of…

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6 Pinterest Marketing Tips for Business Owners

Pinterest, which is one of the newer social media sites, is focused on the sharing of images amongst members. Images are “pinned” to online bulletin boards that users create. These boards are themed in some manner. When you post a new image on your board, it appears on the main Pinterest board and also on…

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Need Pinterest Followers Fast? Do These 5 Things!

Pinterest is an image-based site that allows you to set up various boards and pin images and videos to them. You may also use text with your pins, which will create even more interest in your pins. If you use the image sharing network properly, you can get followers quickly. Here are 5 things that…

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How to Use Pinterest for More Traffic, Exposure, and Sales

Marketers and business owners can use Pinterest to their advantage. Pinterest is a hot social media site where the image is king. Both photos and videos can be posted on your Pinterest site, which is composed of themed boards. Once you create your account you can set up your Pinterest boards by either using themes…

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Google Rolls-Out DEVASTATING Update for Internet Marketers!

Google has done it again! They pushed-out yet another search engine update on 9-28-2012. Now, they’re just utterly destroying Exact-Match Domains (EMD’s). So what exactly is meant by “exact match?” We’ll, let say that “How to Lose Weight Now” is a heavily searched keyword phrase online. If you had the domain, that would constitute…

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Pinterest Beats Yahoo, Making it the 4th Largest Traffic Driver Globally!

This is nuts! The numbers keep rising and rising. According to TechCrunch, Pinterest now drives more website traffic than Yahoo! That makes it the 4th BIGGEST traffic source on the planet!! Read the full article at this link After you’re done, you have an important choice to make. 1) You can do nothing. 2) You…

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How Many Pinterest Users Can You Follow Daily?

One of the most common questions we get asked by NinjaPinner customers is “How many Pinterest users can I safely follow each day?” Pinterest does not make any official figures available, but many users are able to reach a thousand or more per day. However there have also been reports of users being blocked after just 300.…

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How to Get Dramatic SURGES of Pinterest Followers and Re-pins (Part II)

Here’s part two of our last viral blog post titled, How to Get Dramatic Surges of Pinterest Followers and Re-pins. If you missed the first part, visit this link to read. Below, you’ll find 11 more strategic ways to build your brand and fame on the hottest virtual pinboard social network on the planet! Fuse…

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How to Get Dramatic SURGES of Pinterest Followers and Re-pins (Part I)

Getting dramatically more Pinterest followers and re-pins is really about being active and engaging. Since there are many ways to do this, I’m breaking this blog post up into two parts. This is part one. Here are 7 ways to grow your follower count quickly by leaps and bounds: Follow other users you find interesting…

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Free Pinterest Bot WARNING

We’ve received quite a few emails in the last couple weeks from customers saying they tried a free Pinterest bot before using NinjaPinner. We know that it can be tempting to go this route first but most beginner marketers end up getting royally screwed. Why? It’s simple. There’s a reason why these programs are free…

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